Friday, November 8, 2019


With each passing year my enthusiasm for Halloween wanes more and more. Luckily Mariah and Chet are old enough to make sure we still celebrate a little.

 Now Fall...I love fall

 We had our first snowstorm and Eliza wasn't thrilled. I think she really hated her boots and all the layers. I'm not looking forward to the time investment that goes into prepping my children to prepare them for the snow.

Our ward trunk or treat was held during a blizzard. That didn't stop our kids from getting as much candy as they could. I had the jack o' lantern costume for Eliza that Mariah and Chet wore as babies and she refused to wear it. I even tried to bribe her with marshmallows but as soon as I stopped handing out the mini mallows she immediately began frantically tearing at the costume. So on the night of the ward party she wore a traditional Japanese outfit because it was enough like normal clothes for her to be ok with it. And I didn't even get a picture of her...poor fourth child. 

We carved pumpkins on Halloween Eve and Mariah and Chet did a lot of their own carving. Chet designed his and was so proud of it. Tanner did an impressive Paw Patrol pumpkin for Austin. 
Eliza made sure someone held her throughout the whole carving experience...just to keep things interesting.
 Mariah wanted to be a beautiful witch. I tried for "beautiful witch with a green face", but she wasn't buying it. But she did let me draw a spider web on her face. 
 Chet was Harry Potter and we completely spaced his glasses for Trick or Treating. He drew his own scar on and fixed his hair. 
 The kids gathered sticks for Mariah's broom because I'm cheap and wasn't going to buy a $30 broom for two nights. It was pretty chilly so I made the kids wear their coats under their costumes. Mariah wasn't thrilled; she said, "I look like I'm fat". And I just told her that meant there was more of her to love. Which brought on a pretty great eye roll but she kept the coat on. 
 Austin was going to be a cowboy but then decided he wanted to be "Won Weaswey"...and then decided he wanted to be a pirate again. That boy keeps me on my toes. Eliza was a grumpy baby in a stroller for Halloween.
 We trick or treated all the businesses on the square and called it good for the night.
 We had spooky Germmie Burgers and watched not-so-spooky Newsies.

 Chet figured out the pose for this picture...

I let the kids pig out on candy and then before bed they got to pick out their favorite ten pieces and then traded the rest for some new books. Mariah read the books to Chet and Austin almost the whole next day. It was glorious. 

1 comment:

  1. They all looked so cute at the trunk or treat!! It was a nasty night though for sure! We won’t forget that one too soon!! �� love ya jk
