Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's already been a year?!

Mom: The time has come, and I am still in denial. You are a year old! 

Mariah: I sure am! And let me tell you, the year has flown by!

Mom: It has been a good one, my favorite year to be exact. What did you think of it?

Mariah: Wellll, there were some rough patches where you and dad couldn't figure out what I wanted. That always got a little frustrating. But not enough to keep me down. I've loved my first year!

Mom: I feel like you have changed so much just in the past month. What are some new things that you have learned?

Mariah: I have learned how to throw little tantrums when I don't get my way. I arch my back and scream. You don't seem to like that very much but I think they're pretty fun.

Mom: Lets just say I dreaded the day when they would come. What more positive things have you learned?

Mariah: I love to growl! I growl for everything. Sometimes I scare you and then I laugh because I'm just so funny. I also like to play peek-a-boo with my blankie; that makes me laugh too. I've gotten really good at kisses. I even give my stuffed bunny kisses. I also have been working on blowing kisses. I think I almost have it down.

Mom: You are so close. Once you figure out how to pucker up instead of the wide open mouth kisses, you'll be a pro! Are you a walker yet?

Mariah: I am if I get to walk between you and daddy! But I don't take my time, I just charge forward because getting your balance really isn't that important. When daddy is gone I walk between you and the couch. When you aren't close to the couch I hold my hand out for you so you know to come and play with me.

Mom: Do you still like to hold our fingers and walk around?

Mariah: Yes! Especially when dad goes extra fast. I have a need for speed!

Mom: You must get that from your Grandpa Young. How are you sleeping?

Mariah: like a champ! I sleep all night long! I'm usually pretty good at my naps too. I've decided sleeping is pretty great.

Mom: I'm so glad you figured that out. How many teeth do you have now?

Mariah: Four, my middle top and bottom. I'm a big girl now!

Mom: I won't accept that until you're 25...sorry. Do you like to snuggle?

Mariah: I never thought I would say this but I now love it! Especially when I have just woken up. I love to lay my head on you or daddy's shoulder and sometimes on other people's shoulders. It's just wonderful.

Mom: I couldn't agree more. We've had some warm weather, do you like going outside?

Mariah: It took a while for me to get used to the great outdoors, but now I love it! We've gone to the park a few times and I think the swings are the greatest thing ever. When you try to get me out I cling to the chains and cry and cry.

Mom: I'm so glad you already have things to be passionate about in your life. So I know you've been told this before but you have great hair. Can I show everyone?

Mariah: Go right ahead!

Mariah: Daddy thought my hair looked like Justin Bieber in the last photo. Whoever that is...

Mom: It looks better on you. Well Mariah this has been a wonderful year. Daddy and I are so grateful to have you in our life. You make every day better and more exciting. We can't wait to see how you grow and change each passing day. We love you Mariah Jeanne!

This hurts my heart a little. It seems only yesterday that she was the tiny baby on the left. I didn't think it would all go by as fast as it has but I'm so grateful for this wonderful journey of parenthood. Mariah has taught me so much about myself, my husband, the world and most importantly my Savior Jesus Christ. I didn't realize how big of an impact this precious little baby would have on my life. It really is a miracle the way a tiny baby can teach you more than you could ever imagine. And the wonderful thing is that it has only begun. I know that I have so much more to learn, that my Faith needs strengthening, my pride needs diminishing, and I don't know of a better way to do that than through motherhood. Thank you my Angel Baby Mariah for your little life lessons each and ever day.


  1. Ashley that was awesome. So crazy that she's already a year old!! She's the cutest baby ever :) Glad you're all doing well!

  2. She's starting to look a lot like Amanda's little girl!
