Saturday, March 9, 2013

11 Months!

Mom: I can't believe you are 11 months old!

Mariah: Only one more month and I'll be a whole year!

Mom: I'm not ready for that! What have you been up to the past four weeks?

Mariah: Well I got to spend a lot of time with just you because Daddy has been extra busy in school. The weather hasn't been very nice so we spent most of our time playing inside. We did go out and play in the snow one day, but I thought it was pretty overrated.

Mom:  Wait 'til next year. I have a feeling it will be a lot more fun then. What new things have you learned this month? 

Mariah: I figured out the army crawl. But I only use it when I absolutely have to. I love to play with my tongue and make fun little noises. I love to point at things and open and close my hand when I want something. 

Mom: Are you still a gummer baby? 

Mariah: Nope! I've got one little snaggle tooth and I'm pretty sure another one is coming in right next to it. I'm a big girl now! Too bad I won't open my mouth for you to get a good picture of it. 

Mom: It is a bummer. What is your favorite day of the week?

Mariah: Thats easy, Sunday! Dad doesn't study on Sunday and since you lead the music in Sacrament Meeting and work in the primary I get to spend all three hours of church with him! The last hour we go to Young Mens and I'm the only girl. Lucky me!

Mom: How are mealtimes?

Mariah: I love food! But the funny thing is that I haven't gained weight for the past two months. But you have upped my snacks so I'm probably going to be fat and happy pretty soon. Whenever you give me something I don't like I spit it out quick and hand it back to you. If you don't take it from me I just drop it on the floor. I don't want the nasty stuff near me.

Mom: I guess it helps me sweep more often. Are you sleeping better?

Mariah: Usually, sometimes, depends on the direction of the wind I guess. This last week I've decided afternoon naps are for babies, but I'm not sure you're ready to give them up yet. I've been sleeping pretty good at nights for the most part. I just get lonely around 4 am and you're nice enough to spend some time with me.

Mom: May you always remember what a nice person I am. What do you enjoy doing?

Mariah: I love having books read to me. I especially love my book I Love You Through and Through. Who wouldn't love being told all the reasons why someone loves you ?

Mom: Beats me. Have you had a special visitor this week?

Mariah: Grandma Young has been here! It's been so wonderful! She plays with me, feeds me, dances with me, and reads me stories. She's been a big help to you too.

Mom: Yes she has, it's going to be hard to cook dinner and clean the house by myself when she leaves. We sure do love her. Well Mariah this has sure been a nice chat. Would you like to end the interview with our exciting news?

Mariah: You mean I get to tell everyone!?

Mom: I don't see why not

Mariah: Hey everyone! I'm going to be a big sister in September! And I am so excited!

Mom: Woohoo! We're all excited!


  1. Congratulations! That is wonderful news! Mariah is such a cute, sweet girl - I can't wait to meet the next one!

  2. I can tell people now!
    Very excited for you!

  3. I had no idea!?! Congratulations!!! That is super exciting!

  4. Woooooohooooooooo!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! Can you tell? You're an awesome mom and Mariah is so stinkin sweet and cute. Ps love the interviews!
