Saturday, January 12, 2013

Who Else Do I Blog About?

It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday night and I have realized that I haven't done my weekly post. Not that I have been stellar about the weekly thing...but if I give up tonight I may just give up forever. And then how would all you people out there get your weekly fill of Mariah? It is my duty, and I must not shirk.

Last week I got a teensy bit of cabin fever. So we bundled baby girl up and went for a walk.

She kept kicking her boots off so Tanner finally improvised and put his gloves on her feet. She looked like some strange webbed creature. It was cute, but freaky all at the same time.

Now Tanner is back in school with his nose to the grindstone, or something like it. And poor, little Mariah is stuck with boring old me. When Tanner got home tonight she was so excited. She was wiggling all over the place and squealing like crazy. It was pretty cute. I want to do that when Tanner comes home, but I also want him to like coming home, and I don't think I would look as cute wiggling and squealing.


  1. Haha! I love the blog title. I feel the same way, EVERYTHING I post now is about Carter. It's our job as the mom right?

  2. I love Mariah's hat and coat. She's so stylish! Also, cabin fever reminds me of the muppets. Which movie do they do a cabin fever song in? If you get cabin fever again and it's warm enough for a walk, feel free to stop by our place! Or we'll have to come by to say hi when we do our "mom needs to get out of the house, therefore Maggie does too" walks.
