We had quite the February.
We had to say goodbye to some of our church friends. While we were so sad for them to leave, it was great having so many friends at our house to send them off.
Mariah made a cake for the party, Chet gave them a going away gift that he had made with his 3D pen, and Eliza drew them a picture of gymnastic kitties. We are really going to miss the Hulets!
Asa really enjoyed the chocolate frosting rings that I kept giving him while helping Mariah with the cake.
Terron came up with Heather for a sleepover. The boys had so much fun the short time he was here. They decided to go on a bike ride and about froze and they made sure to teach Terron how to drive the new ATV we got.
We finally got some more snow which we were all excited about.
And then it got dangerously cold so there wasn't as much playing in the snow as we hoped for. But they got two days of sledding and thats better than no days of sledding.
We had our second annual family Valentine's Day party. This year I decided to try chicken parmesan and it was enough work that I won't be adding it to my rotation...but it was good. Everyone worked hard writing letters for each other and we enjoyed reading them together. Tanner started saying "Awwwwwweee" after every card and by the time we read Asa some of his he was finishing it up with his own "Awe". It was pretty cute.
Mariah made some pretty amazing pop-out cards and Chet made everyone something with his 3-D pen. Austin hand wrote everyone's letters and considering how much he dislikes writing that was a real labor of love. And Eliza was so excited to write all her letters by herself.
We ended the night with cheesecake. Even Josie got some, as you can see from the chunk falling from Eliza's fork. The timing was too good.
And after I already made the food I realized I had made most of Tanner's least favorite foods...why did I not think of that before? In my defense I intentionally got angel hair pasta because I knew it was Tanner's favorite pasta (Or the pasta he hates the least?) I blame it on the constant demands on my time... But like the amazing husband he is he ate it and told me how delicious it was. Except for the cheesecake, he ate a sliver...but there were no praises for that. I deserved it.
Asa and Vivi's new favorite snack is frozen blueberries...and Asa is sporting a black eye in this picture too.
He hit it on our couch of all places...must have been the one hard spot. I took this picture to send to our doctor but he just said it wasn't a big deal. I'm grateful for his patience with the texts I send him each time I'm worried about something. We have a great doctor. Asa looked like he had an impressive cat/smokey eye makeup job for a few days.
We went on a field trip to the Childrens museum and then followed that up with some ice skating.
These three...trouble I tell ya. In truth they were so helpful keeping an eye on Asa and Vivi.
Asa had a blast trying everything out and never wanted to leave a room. There were lots of epic meltdowns cut short when he realized there were other cool things to see/do.
In between the museum and ice skating, Mariah felt like Vivi would really love to do the carousel. So we headed over there.
After seeing Mariah's face I think she really wanted to do the carousel too. You go girl.
I forgot our stroller but my good friend lent me hers so Asa could get a nap while the big kids were ice skating. After that we headed to Costco to get a few things and enjoyed Costco pizza on the drive home. I may or may not have found a pizza crust in the back of the van a couple weeks later...
Josie is very helpful with the school work. Mariah had another choir concert and got to sing a group solo. Singing brings her so much joy and it brings me joy watching her sing. We make a great team.
Chet had his last archery tournament of the normal season and scored high enough to make it to state! He has really enjoyed archery and we're so thankful for all the people who work so hard to make it possible.
Alice got this picture at church. Asa should be in nursery, and he gets excited to go sometimes, but he hasn't lasted the whole hour yet. Here's hoping it happens soon.
Tanner decided to improve the picture. The more I look at it, the more funny it is.
Asa looking all GQ with his sunglasses.
Tanner's almost done with his epic basement project. The kids are already planning on a sleepover down there. We just have to get healthy before that happens.