Sunday, September 27, 2020

September Boy

There was no way Chet's birthday could sneak up on me...he wouldn't allow it. He's been planning since Mariah's Birthday. The day before, Tanner took the day off and we went to the Blank Park Zoo for a homeschool field trip. It wasn't a very big zoo but the kids still had fun. 

Tanner went into the Nike store with Chet after and they picked out shoes for Chet and Austin. Chet loves shoes so he was super excited for his early Birthday gift. We then braved Costco with all four children masked up. It was exhausting but we survived. When I asked Chet if he wanted a fancy Costco cake for his birthday he was quick to shut me down. "I want a Caramel Cake." It was worth a try. 
It was difficult getting Chet to fall asleep that night. I finally convinced him to settle down when I told him that the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner it would be his birthday. That did the trick. Because he took a nap on the drive home from Des Moines, Austin helped decorate the house. After being woken at 4:00 am on Chet's last birthday I requested he wait until the hour hand was on the 7 and no earlier. Mariah even woke up early but they stayed in the boys' room reading books until the allowed time to come rushing into my bedroom. 

Chet requested crepes with lots of fruit, chocolate and whipped cream. 

Presents were opened right after breakfast. Mariah and Austin were super excited to get Chet presents and he did a very good job expressing his gratitude. His favorite gift was probably the circuit set from Grammy and Papa Ralph. 
Our kids usually have to get dressed before breakfast but when he asked me if he had to that day I just responded with, "It's your Birthday". When he was still in his pajamas at lunch I asked him if he was going to get dressed that day. He simply replied, "It's my birthday". Point taken. 
The kids helped me make Chet's requested lunch. Chet couldn't commit to a lunch idea but with Mariah and Austin's persuasion he settled on mini pigs in a blanket with fresh veggies. Which he ended up eating maybe one of. Mariah had at least a happy birthday to Mariah? 
Dinner was steak, french fries, and fruit salad. The boy has expensive taste. 

Chet with his requested caramel cake. He was happier then the picture shows and yes, the boy committed to those pajamas all day. Tiffany, Tommy and Tessa came over to sing and have cake and ice cream. They finished the night playing laser tag outside in the dark. Tyler and Trey were getting a deer that day. 

Although it felt like I was in the kitchen all day, if there is one thing I know about Chet it's that he loves food. The day was filled with free-play inside and out, no piano practice and no day clothes. Just the way Chet wanted it to be.  

And now here is our yearly interview...

Mom: What is your favorite color?
Chet: Green and Black

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Chet: Pizza

Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Chet: Horse and Dog

While this is a super cute picture of Chet and Gus, the next one is more true to their relationship.

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Chet: The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter (Chet has loved Tanner reading the Harry Potter books to them. He remembers all the characters and loves to discuss the books with Mariah.)

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Chet: The Apple Dumpling Gang
Mom: What is your favorite song?
Chet: Spring by Vivaldi (Chet played a simplified version of this for a piano recital, lest you think my children listen to classical musical all day.)

Mom: Who is your scripture hero?
Chet: Captain Moroni (Chet and I read the Book of Mormon together each day and Chet loves learning the stories from the scriptures.)

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Chet: Ice Cream

Mom: What do you like to do for fun? 
Chet: Play outside on the swing set, Check the chickens, ride my bike, play basketball, build things
One day Chet came running in to me and announced that "I can ride Dad's old bike!". I didn't believe it until I saw it but he is pretty good at it. He can't reach the seat, even if we lower it down, so he just sits on the bar. Once Chet puts his mind to something he goes to work to accomplish it. 

One day he decided he was going to build a bird house and went right to work. He had me hold a couple boards in place so he could nail them together and Tanner helped cut a hole out but he did all the rest on his own. It wasn't what you would call structurally sound, only lasting a month, but he did it on his own and was so proud of himself. 
Here it is after it had started to fall apart. I'm so sad I didn't get a picture of it right when he had finished it. It was adorably imperfect and just what you would expect a six year old to make by himself. 
We put in a basketball hoop in our driveway and Chet likes to go out and shoot hoops. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Chet: Make dinner with you
Chet loves making meals. One morning he heated up some pancakes and served everyone up all by himself. He is really good at coming to me while making dinner and asking what he can do to help. He loves to cut up vegetables or fruit for me or stir things on the stove. I'm grateful for his help!

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Chet: Wrestling with him, riding bikes with him (Chet loves to ride his bike with Tanner on his runs.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mariah?
Chet: Play with her

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Austin?
Chet: I'm usually having fun just walking around with him. (outside, Chet is busy busy busy so he usually wears Austin out with everything that they do each day)

One day Chet and Austin decided to make their own fishing poles. Some sticks, yarn and straight nails. Then they went and dug for worms. We were going through a dry spell so they had to settle on a caterpillar. I didn't have the heart to tell them that the odds of them catching a fish were slim to none. So we all marched over to the pond. The caterpillar fell off right when the nail hit the water but they still tried different spots around the pond. Guess I'm going to have to bust out the actual fishing pole. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Eliza? 
Chet: Make her laugh and say certain words like "Sally sells seashells at the seashore"

Mom: Who is your best friend?
Chet: My family and Nature (Such a cute response! But really, can you ask for better friends?)
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Chet: A Cowboy

And now for some funny things Chet has said, 

One morning when Chet was helping with breakfast he told Austin he needed to go ask me if he could have more peanut butter in his oatmeal:

Austin: that isn't nice!
Chet: that isn't nice to you but it's nice to mom. 

While talking about an imagined machine, "The regular is the thing that goes a little different."

One day in anger he called Mariah a "stiffnecked baby". Scriptural insult while questioning the other person's maturity...doesn't get worse than that. 

One day we had the Missionaries over for dinner and Chet said to one that would be going home soon, "I know why you're excited to go home because soon you'll be a dad!" The Elder's companion really loved that. Obvious next step after returning home from a mission.

While debating with Mariah: "Wrestling doesn't make you strong, eating healthy food does."

When Natalie was visiting in the spring and was exploring with the kids outside Chet reassured her, "Natalie if you get lost come back and find me and I'll help you find your way." 

He once told me that, "I want to learn how to stand on my bike and do no hands so I can pick my wedgies." Priorities people...

For a long time he kept his slingshot and a rock close by his bed, "In case bad guys come in the night." 

After a long day of excitement Chet's prayer went a little something like this, "thank thee for the crickets and tadpoles and that we were able to find deer teeth and feathers." 

Initially he was a little confused why we would call a day of prayer and abstaining from food, "Fat Sunday". 

One Sunday he bore his Testimony in church (pre-quarantine) and it was so sweet, "I know the church is true and that Heavenly Father answers prayers. Not always when we think but he does answer our prayers." 

We love our Chet boy so much. He has matured so much this last year and it is exciting to see what a wonderful person he is. While he isn't perfect, he tries so hard to do what's right and is quick to forgive me in my times of impatience. We are so grateful to have him in our family. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Family Reunion

When we found out that our extended family Fishing Derby on the Young's side was cancelled, my family decided we would have to do our own little reunion out at the ranch. Even though we had just been out west in March I knew there was no way we were going to miss seeing all of my siblings and parents. So we made the long journey yet again. Tanner is such a good sport, although I did tell him I was going whether he came or not. 

Tanner took a half day on Friday so we left once he got home and went as far as we could that first day. 

Eliza sure was cute leaving the hotel with her little backpack. She's smiling because it hadn't hit her yet that she would be in the car all day long. 

One of the first things we had to do when we got to the ranch was ride horses. Mariah loved petting them and feeding them treats but wasn't so keen with the riding part. On her last riding experience her horse spooked a little and that was enough...but I'm going to keep trying with her. Chet on the other hand couldn't get enough even after his horse started running, because he kept kicking it, and he fell off. There were a few tears but then he jumped right back on. Just one example of how Mariah and Chet are different. Austin and Eliza loved riding, Eliza threw a big fit when she had to be done. 

I know everyone is wondering where I got my great riding attire...I only wear the best.

Come Follow Me that week was covering Captain Moroni so we had Tanner act out the Title of Liberty for the kids. And then we put some more things that are important to us on our Family Title of Liberty. 

Can you tell what toy was the favorite? There was no way Austin was going to put it down, even for a bathroom break. 
Grandma did her traditional tea party and the kids loved it. Their British accents and upheld pinkies are improving as well.
Uncle Sevy set up the Game Cube and played Mario Cart with the kids. We learned one unplugged controller was perfect for the younger kids. They were totally involved punching away on their controller. 

We ended up being out there on my Birthday. Tiffany made an amazing chocolate cake and my mom and sisters got me some beautiful framed artwork. And here's a series of photos with my favorite photo-bomber in the back...

That night we went up the canyon on a hay ride and had hot dogs and hamburgers. It was a perfect ending to my birthday because my favorite thing to do as a child on my birthday was to ride horses up the canyon. The kids got to play in the creek and we had a great time visiting. The ride down the canyon on the hayride was a little like a roller coaster/crack the whip especially for those in the back. But it isn't a good time for Papa Ralph if there isn't some peril. 

All the grandkids minus Benson, because we won't wake a sleeping baby if we don't have to

Because of fire restrictions we went all the way up to the ranch's meadow so we could still have a fire. I have so many fond memories of this place and I love these grungy clothed family pictures we took. The only thing that would have made it better is if Dan, DJ and Mike were there. 

Hamming it up for Aunt Mandie 

Tanner decided to bring his new mountain bike out with us and was able to go on several rides. He rode down the canyon after our dinner and made it home way before us. My dad dropped him off on top of the mountain one morning for another downhill ride too. 

One day all the kids were given squirt guns and challenged to go on a dinosaur hunt. They found a huuuge T-Rex. Some of the kids were actually freaked out at first until they realized it was just Uncle Sevy. It was so funny watching him run around. 

Brigston found this huge scorpion (which was already dead) and Chet was so excited to bring it home to add to his specimen collection. And then we forgot it; so here's a picture to always remember. 

And I have to add this series of photos of the only grand daughters (for just a little while longer!)...

Grammie also threw a "Pop Party" which is always a hit. Here we were lined up to watch the Mento rockets. They were a little lackluster, but the Poprocks, soda, and bubble wrap dance party made up for it.

There were so many fun little activities to keep the kids busy: corn hole, digging in the dirt, a big water trough, digging for dinosaurs, trampoline, slip and slide, epic water balloon fight (where we learned that Trey has deadly aim and my children fall apart after one too many water balloons to the face)...the kids ran hard all day long every day. 

Eliza was so clingy to me most of the trip but Grammie and Papa Ralph were able to get a little attention from her. 

Later in the week we made shields

We threw a little baby shower for Em the last night we were there. Amanda organized some great games and we had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see that baby girl!

After seeing their cousin Tate catch a snake, Chet decided he needed to catch one of his own. He caught it on our last morning there. I had to make sure it didn't come along for the drive. 
We spent an evening at Ty and Lisa's and the next morning Tanner got up early to go mountain biking with Spencer and Timmy. He had a good crash and was coated in puff dirt. I'm sad we didn't get a picture. 

Eliza needed a little help falling asleep at the hotel and she and Tanner looked so precious together. Tanner didn't love the flash; just imagine a calm peaceful look on his face. 

It was a whirlwind of a week but it was so wonderful. Whenever we are making the long drive out I tell myself that it's crazy and there's no way we are going to do it again. But then we are with family and I realize that it is all worth it and we'll keep doing it over and over again.