Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 We have had a month full of visitors which is always our favorite. 
We started out with a visit from the Harris family. The first day they got here we went to the pool. I was more than happy to not swim and hold Asa while visiting with Katherine, because it was pretty chilly. But the big kids didn't seem to notice and had a blast. 
The next morning I woke up early and Asa and I went to a Well Educated Heart Conference. Asa was a little doll baby the whole drive and was so cute at the conference. 
I came back to everyone having fun on the water slide. 
There was an epic round of Rhino Hero...
Eliza and Vivi had so much fun with Kate and Anna. 
This is going to be a fun picture to recreate one day. We don't get to see them nearly enough, but we sure love the Harris family! 

We had our end of year party with our HSAP. 
Vivi was so cute trying to hit the golf balls, and she really didn't want my help on her technique, so it was a little unorthodox. 
We got to have our next friends stop in on the way home from Nauvoo. Sarah is one of my most favorite people and we talked our heads off the whole time. We'll have to get a picture of the kids together next time. Anytime I spend time with Sarah and Nate I always wished they lived closer. They're just that good. 
Getting our grass baled was a highlight. 
Mariah and Chet are on swim team this year, and Eliza and Austin had swim lessons the last two weeks. So Vivi has spent a lot of time in her swimsuit in anticipation of swimming, only to be disappointed. But we got together with friends from church one evening and she was thrilled to actually be in the water. 

Tanner's project is coming along and the kids are having so much fun with it. 
Chet got his first black eye after getting a little too close to Austin's wicked golf swing. He wore it well. 

Mariah made an amazing chocolate cake for her youth fundraiser at church. She did most of it herself with just a little guidance from me. I was a little sad to see it go...Now I know what I'll be having for my birthday. Did Amanda make it for me last year? Yes, yes she did. I know we're supposed to feel sorry for Bruce Bogtrotter in Matilda while he is eating the chocolate cake, but I've always felt a little jealous. 

The Hemmerts spent the morning with us on the way home and I loved getting to chat with Emily and Anthony. They are such wonderful people. 

Later that day the neighbors came over and asked if we wanted to go to the lake. I really wanted to say no, but I just couldn't when I saw how excited my kids were. 
Asa was a disaster, dragging himself through the sand and shoving fistfuls of it in his mouth before I could stop him. The trek back to the car carrying him and Vivi in 90 degree heat wasn't my favorite either. I just had to keep reminding myself that I was doing it for the children...even if they would later tell me that I "wasn't a fun mom." You win some, you lose some. 
Anytime with the Havards is a good time. 

We've gotten to spend a few mornings with JK and always have a blast. The gator ride with Thor is a must. Chet even got to drive the gator and didn't kill anyone (which is what Eliza was afraid would happen). 
A snake was caught as well...always a highlight for Chet. 

I was able to convince two of my nephews, Hiram and Spencer to fly out for a long weekend to see some church sites. They flew in to Kansas City so we had lunch at Elliot and Esther's who were so nice to host us considering they were flying out west that evening. 
After that we headed to Liberty Jail. My kids hadn't been before so I really wanted them to have that experience. 

Hiram found the Finnish Book of Mormon in the Independence Visitors Center, he is so excited for his mission to Finland! 

We ate a packed dinner at Far West and enjoyed the beautiful views, amazing weather, and birds singing to beat the band. 
We ended the night at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. It was so peaceful there, at least it was before we all piled out of the cars. Mariah especially enjoyed that site and felt the spirit there. Vivi took to Spencer right away and loved the special attention he gave her. And we only found two ticks after our little walk through the trees. 

We drove home that night and then woke up and headed for Carthage. I was able to see dear friends from West Virginia, the Harpers, which was so fun. We then headed to Nauvoo to see as many of the shows and sites that we could. 
Eliza got picked to help with a song and did great. She was making the whip sounds to the song, Woah Haw Buck and Jerry Boy and was really good at being one beat behind everyone else. Pretty darn adorable. 
They got to go on a wagon ride and apparently the guy who told the stories was very entertaining. 

We met an awesome family from Australia that shared what they loved about our country: unlimited refills on drinks and awesome animals like squirrels, rabbits, and deer (which was pretty funny considering we are overrun by them); what they didn't love: the bread was way too sweet; and what was perplexing: so many fast food places. 
Asa was done by Sunset on the Mississippi and when everyone cheered really loud he fell apart for a minute. But he had been such an angel the whole day. 

Tanner stayed home to do some work and prepare his talk for Sunday so Vivi stayed at home with him. She was super excited to get to watch a show and ride in Dad's truck for some errands. And I felt like the day was so much easier without having to keep track of a three-year-old with no stranger danger. 

Hiram and Spencer stayed at friends' in Nauvoo and I drove the kids home that night. Tanner and Mariah headed back early the next morning to go to the temple with the boys. They then went to a baptism in our ward and then headed home just in time for the Hiltons to get here. We had a great night all together full of soccer, basketball, four square, and frisbee golf. And Tanner didn't even hurt his back! I was praying hard... 
Sunday was our ward conference and Tanner gave a great talk. We then got to team teach the youth and it actually went really well, which had little to do with us and more to do with the love our Heavenly Father has for those young women and men and the inspiration he sent to us. 
We had a linger longer with the ward and then headed home to spend more time with our family. It was sad to say goodbye to the Hiltons that night but exciting to think that the next time we see them they will have a sweet baby girl! 
Tanner took Spencer to the airport bright and early in the morning and came home with donuts (my kids were quick to tell Hiram that their mom would never do that).  The kids and I took Hiram later in the morning. We then went to Costco and Vivi screamed almost the whole time, until she lost her voice, which was a real tender mercy. I guess the long weekend had caught up with her. 
We were so grateful that Hiram and Spencer were willing to come visit us. We love them so very much and are excited to see the wonderful young men they are becoming. 
The month flew by with so many wonderful people coming. Now we're just wondering who will come next! Seriously, come! 

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