Wednesday, July 3, 2024

11 Months

 This month flew by and we stayed pretty busy, but that didn't stop Asa from growing and learning new things. 
Doesn't he look like a five year old in this picture? I mean that kills me. Sometimes Mariah will play the piano with Asa on her lap and he loves it. He has figured out how to play the recorder, which I'm not sure I should be excited about seeing how it's not my favorite background music. 

He can now pull himself up to standing and after a few days of tumbling, he has finally figured out sitting down when he is done standing up. 
He loves when we hold his hands so he can walk around. 

He loves to point at things and gets so tickled when I point back at him, especially when our fingers touch. 

Asa thinks it's so funny when we chase him...and we think it's pretty funny too because he still prefers his army crawl so he is about as fast as a snail moving though peanut butter. 
Eliza is really great about taking Asa outside and playing with him. 

He loves when Austin drives his remote control car and hates when Chet flies his drone. 
He knows how to draw on things with pencils (I learned this the hard way when he scribbled on the wall and trim). 
If he is doing something he shouldn't and we say "no no Asa" he shakes his head no, and then goes right back to doing whatever it is he shouldn't be doing. 
He got to spend some time with Geordie at the pool. They're good buddies and get excited when they see each other at church. 
He also enjoys spending time with Baby Eliza during church. He tries to make a break for it to see dad up on the stand too. 

He loves to go outside and if I'm holding him and open the door for Josie to go out or come in he just falls apart when I shut the door without taking him out. He feels the same about the downstairs door. He really loves to go downstairs and bite off the ends of nerf bullets. 

Sometimes he gets excited when he sees Vivi. She is learning to be more gentle with him and will even say, "he didn't like that" after he makes a certain stink face or squeal. Thats how all the best friendships start, right? 
He loves when his dad lays by his bed at night so that he has a buddy as he falls asleep. Dad is still the favorite, can't say that I blame him, he's my favorite too. 

One more month and we'll have a one year old! 

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