Sunday, June 2, 2024

Eliza is 6!

Oh Little 'Liza, you're not so little anymore. This girl has grown so much this past year. 

She is such a delight to be around, full of funny little quips, great questions and never-ending energy. 

One day Eliza passionately declared: "Mom, if I had to lick your foot and that would keep you alive, I'd do it." considering how often she tells me I have weird feet I was touched and amused. 

One day she told me, "I love you, but not kissy-lip love." And that is now my new favorite way to describe that twitter pated kind of love. 

Eliza has lots of great nicknames for things: "chiggies" for chigger bites, "Sean-Bob" for our cat Sean, "Jose" for Josie are just a few. 
Here she is with her bear "Ted". 

One day she was holding a can of soda and said, "I'm not supposed to be drinking this, it says 7 and Up." 

After getting really angry with Mariah she declared, "In Eliza-land me and Jack are married and all the Mariah's are booger faces." 
Jack and Eliza are still the best of friends

Eliza and I once had a conversation about how she has gotten to do a lot more than I got to do as a little girl to which she asked, "so you were peasants?" 

Mom: What is your favorite color?
Eliza: white (on year three with that one)

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Eliza: (After asking if candy was a food) Candy and ice cream 
Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Eliza: Cats and dogs and I also like bunnies. 
Josie kept laying down on Eliza's blanket whenever she stopped walking. We got a good laugh out of it. 

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Eliza: The music books (Story Orchestra)

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Eliza: Bluey, it's not my favorite one, but it's one that I like. And Wonka
Mom: What is your favorite song?
Eliza: Gethsemane 

Mom: Who is your scripture hero?
Eliza: Joseph Smith

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Eliza: Oreos and chocolate chips and m&ms 

Mom: What do you like to do for fun? 
Eliza: I like to play and I like to play with Josie because she plays tag. And I like to play with my Barbie Doll.  
Eliza enjoys doing art and is really particular about how it turns out. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Eliza: You read me books and I like to cook dinner with you. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Eliza: Watch him build the rock wall and I like to play with dad. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mariah? 
Eliza: Play downstairs with her. 
Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Chet?
Eliza: Play with him and clean with him. 
These two are my busy bodies. They love projects and when they get motivated they will work until the job is done. 
Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Austin?
Eliza: Play games with toys with him. 
These two are either mad at each other or having a blast. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Vivi? 
Eliza: Play with her 
Eliza loves to set up forts or beds for Vivi. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Asa? 
Eliza: Play with him and keep him happy. 
Eliza is such a good helper with Asa
Mom: Who is your best friend?
Eliza: Jesus

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Eliza:  A famous gymnastics person, or a All Around Champion (reality show we watch as a family)

Eliza loves fixing people's hair and has learned how to braid. Aunt Heather loves for people to brush her hair and Eliza is always happy to oblige. 

Eliza came up one day in this get-up and was thrilled that it made us laugh. She loves to be funny. 

This girl is such a nurturer, she is constantly looking for opportunities to help her younger brother and sister. She will often start cleaning without being asked and does a really good job too. She likes to help me in the kitchen and will often wash the dishes. 

One day during Fast and Testimony meeting she decided to bear her Testimony. She said, "I know that when we're having a hard time Jesus will take us by the hand and lead us through our troubles." I am so grateful for our sweet Eliza girl. She knows what is right and is always striving to be her best. We can't wait to see what the next year will bring for her. 

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